Who we are

Gan Shirly is a NYS licensed (OCFS) Day Care provider led by Mrs. Shirly Katz.

Servicing the Greater Monsey community, Shirly has been providing licensed child care in the community since 2014. Previously, Shirly provided child care in the community of Rochester NY, in Monroe County, 2010-2013;

In total, Shirly has an experience of nearly 20 years, having started her childcare career back in Petach Tikva, Israel;

B’h, Gan Shirly has built a reputation for its חינוך, as Shirly applies a curriculum she has carefully developed over the years, in which Yiddishkeit, early childhood development, and skill building are all evidently instilled in the children. Gan Shirly prepares children with strong foundations towards school or Kindergarten, and teachers at those schools always express their pleasant surprise with the amount of knowledge the kids come in from Gan Shirly with.

From A-B-C to the א-ב and knowledge of Yomim Tovim and Parsha, Shirly provides all in warmth, attention and exceptional care for the children.

We are grateful to הקב'ה for the opportunity to deal with חינוך in a meaningful way this most-significant years of childhood.

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A Revolution in Rockland